filipina fitspirations

8 Filipina Fitspirations To Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Staying fit is not just a fad or a fading phase in your life. It is a lifestyle you choose every waking day in order for you to live your life to its utmost potential. Just as with anything rewarding, staying fit does not come easy. What helps, though, is a little nudge and a few Filipina fitspirations to help you run that extra mile or to drop that bag of fast food.

To help you with this, we did a round up of Filipina fitspirations who can be your constant reminder that keeping fit and healthy is possible. These are women who have taken the road to a healthy lifestyle to a totally new level. Great thing, too, they are generous enough to inspire and share their tricks of the trade on social media. So, when you start to doubt your journey or detour back to a fast food drive-thru or skip on that HIIT routine, you know that these women can be the best friend to tell you to just get going!

Solenn Heussaff

Image Credit: @solennheussaff via Instagram

To the majority of the Philippine population, Solenn Heussaff is this gorgeous actress who is overly talented in pretty much everything. Past the glitz and glamor of her life, however, is an incredibly fit Solenn Heussaff that gives us the much-needed daily dose of fitspiration.

Her Instagram account showcases her workouts and the food she whips up to stay strong and healthy. Catch her Instagram stories and you will see how she makes her meals and post/pre-workout supplements, and what workouts she does on the daily! Getting that sneak peek in her healthy life will definitely get you going with yours.

Besides being one of the ultimate Filipina fitspirations, watching out for her on Instagram can also give you the bonus of finding cute snippets of her and her hubby Nico!

Follow her on Instagram.

Isabelle Daza

Image Credit: @isabelledaza via Instagram

The beautiful Isabelle Daza is a total inspiration on Instagram. Her photos are mostly glamorous if not fashionable. Somewhere in the middle, however, are bits of her healthy lifestyle. Just like with her co-A-lister and co-It Girl Solenn, Isabelle gives her fair share on her healthy life through her social media platform.

Don’t know how to mix up your workout? Go to her account. Don’t know what to eat for a healthy lunch? Grab an idea from her account! Want to have a body inspiration? Look no further!

What’s great about Belle’s account is that she also shares how you can also indulge once in a while. Her health habits are just as real as yours really—from bringing your own healthy baon to an event to just indulging with ice cream. While the road to fitness is long, you should also reward yourself once in a while.

Follow her on Instagram.

Cassie Umali

Image Credit: @cassieumali via Instagram

This woman is the embodiment of Filipina fitspirations, that she has her own hashtag, and rightfully so, that goes by #cASSpiration. Cassie is an athlete, a host, a model, a fitness ambassador, a health buff and an all-around strong woman. Head on over to her social media account and it will be like going to a one-stop shop for major fitspiration. This woman proves that people like us can do so many things all in one go and prove that we, women, are a tribe of strong people.

Watch out for her Instagram posts for workout samples and food prep! Not to mention her self portraits showcase some major body peg that will make you start your training ASAP!

Follow her on Instagram.

Lian Melegrito

Image Credit: @liangaudence via Instagram

Lian was a member of the UP Pep Squad and once became its captain. She’s now a Nike Training Club Ambassador. She was a former coach at 360 Fitness.  While she just left the country for Canada, one of this country’s resident strong women will be keeping us with major fitspiration over Instagram.

Her posts, being always on point, are a constant reminder over social media how hard work can do well for your body. She showcases on Instagram the power of a fit body through her photos, breaking women stereotypes. Lian is a living example of how strong is always better than skinny, that moving forward is the only way to go.

Follow her on Instagram.

Elaine Abonal

Image Credit: @oli_bayer via Instagram

As lovers of the ocean, we had to search through the internet a beach babe that will stand us inspiration for us. Perfectly so, we found Elaine Abonal, a surfer. Surfing in the Philippines is an exponentially growing sport. To see women get in the water and take it as serious business is definitely #goals!

Her Instagram account is a living entity of THE LIFE— living it by the water, living it fit, and healthily. While we are in love with her gorgeous tan, we have to say though, the tips we get from her social media to get that fit life going are what put her on this Filipina fitspirations list.

Follow her on Instagram.

Bubbles Paraiso

Image Credit: @bubblesparaiso via Instagram

Girls sitting in the corner silently are no more. It’s all about strong and fit women now. This is what Bubbles Paraiso embodies. She is a tri-athelete, a yoga teacher and definitely one of Philihappy’s favorite Filipina fitspirations. A lot of women are afraid to go and get running because they’re scared of bulking up or looking too masculine. Bubbles, despite snide remarks about her beautifully buffed body, constantly reminds us that health and strength come above all.

She does not only promote positive self-image and a healthy lifestyle, she is also the perfect reminder that women are limitless beings. If she can go all these things to make her go fit, we can too!

Follow her on Instagram.

Mona Lisa Neuboeck

Image Credit: @monalisaneuboeck via Instagram

While most fit women we encounter over social media get their grind in the gym, this one leads us back to our roots—nature. Mona Lisa’s social media account is entirely refreshing, an embodiment of a healthy lifestyle while being surrounded with all things natural. If that doesn’t inspire you to head on out and explore what your body can do, we don’t know what will.

Mona Lisa is a chef. You can expect from her account an array of delicious-looking healthy food that you can definitely try to recreate in your own kitchen. While being fit highly depends on what you eat, a strong body also requires work. This woman definitely gets the work done on the waves or on a yoga mat. Envious? Don’t be ‘cause we know you can do it too!

Follow her on Instagram.

Betina Bordeos

Image Credit: @betinabordeos via Instagram

While it is admirable to see that chivalry is not dead, if a woman can carry her stuff, let her. We don’t need a guy to carry stuff for us, even if it weighs more than we do. Take it from Betina Bordeos—a strong and beautiful woman that exemplifies what it looks like to be strong. She has defied what feminine means, being a power-lifter herself. Just last year, she was awarded as the Philippines’ Strongest Woman. Her IG is gives us a sneak peek the amount of work and discipline it takes to be strong, and the rewards that you reap from hard work

Women of now do not want to be skinny anymore. We want to be healthy and strong. With women like Betina, we sure know that definitely is possible.

Follow her on Instagram.

These women are defying boundaries. Many others are doing the same. What a time to be alive to see women break stereotypes and set higher standards! People like that are worth being called our Filipina fitspirations. Did we miss out on yours? Share your fitness idols with us in the comments below!

Happiness Creator
She is always hungry for the new, the elsewhere and fried chicken.
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